Established in 2005 by the Wadia Group, Go Air, later rebranded as Go First, entered the Indian aviation sector as a low-cost carrier, aiming to provide affordable air travel to the rapidly expanding middle class. The airline was built on a business model that focused on operational efficiency, a streamlined fleet, and competitive pricing. However, despite its early success, Go Air faced mounting financial difficulties that ultimately led to its insolvency.
In recent years, it has become increasingly common for companies in North Macedonia to choose arbitration as the method for resolving disputes in cooperation agreements, instead of judicial proceedings, which usually take considerably longer. However, the Macedonian legislature has not fully regulated all the legal aspects related to arbitration procedures.
One key issue that remains unaddressed is the impact of an open bankruptcy proceeding against the debtor registered in North Macedonia on an ongoing arbitration process where the debtor is a respondent.
Insolvency and arbitration traditionally do not mix well, as they embody somewhat contrasting legal policies. The Singapore Court of Appeal highlighted in Larsen Oil and Gas Pte Ltd v Petroprod Ltd (in official liquidation in the Cayman Islands and in compulsory liquidation in Singapore) [2011] 3 SLR 414 that:
With the rising popularity of alternative dispute resolution globally (including in insolvency related cases), it is important to take stock of where the Cayman Islands currently stands (as a leading jurisdiction in cross-border insolvency and restructuring) on the use of mediation in this context.
Editor’s Note Here’s What’s Happening in Arbitration Victoria Prussen Spears The AAA Healthcare Payor Provider Arbitration Rules and Mediation Procedures Important Features and Updates Lisa M. Richman and Maria Cristina Rosales del Prado Five International Arbitration Trends and Topics Jeffrey A. Rosenthal, Ari D. MacKinnon, and Katie L. Gonzalez How to Avoid a Pyrrhic Victory in International Arbitration—Part I James P.
Key takeaways
1.All eyes on redemption right
Redemption rights have increasingly been under the spotlight in the past year, as more and more investors contemplate an exit from under-performing investments.
As the redemption of shares involves a return of capital, it is prohibited under Cayman Islands law except to the extent permitted by statute. Section 37 of the Cayman Islands’ Companies Act (the Act) provides:
Key takeaways
If the agreement between a creditor and debtor refers disputes to arbitration, what limits should be placed on the creditor to pursue winding-up proceedings based on an unpaid debt under that agreement? Should a court simply stay the winding-up proceedings to allow the debt to be disputed in arbitration?
I’m serving on a Drafting Committee of the Uniform Law Commission for a uniform law on assignment for benefit of creditors (“ABC”). A draft of such a uniform law is coming together, with lots of input from many people and organizations. And we are always looking for more input!